台灣歌手/主持/演員「小鬼」黃鴻升昨日驚傳猝死在家,不僅親人與粉絲無法接受,就連「小鬼」演藝圈好友與前輩們,也個個極度震驚與不捨。而享年36歲的「小鬼」死訊,更令外界直接聯想到前兩天亞洲兩位藝人過世悲報。tw // death
— (@beeinbed) September 16, 2020
Today Alien Huang (黃鴻升) passed away. Oomfs prob dk him and ideky im tweeting this here. Probably cuz it only hit me like 2hrs ago that he's rlly gone and now im sad listening to his songs. Will miss him when i rewatch his drama. Neways i might be slow in rplys
9/14韓國吳仁惠Korean actress and model Oh In-hye died of cardiac arrest on Monday after being found unconscious in her home. She was 36 years old.
— Celebrity and Movies : News International (@NadineRuitenbe1) September 16, 2020
吳仁惠在2011年因以一襲露乳性感裝走上釜山電影節紅毯而驚艷全場,一夕爆紅之後卻從此脫離不了豔星性感形象;外界推測,應是長期鬱鬱寡歡之下,才會想不開輕生。South Korean actress Oh In-hye dies at 36 after alleged suicide attempt
— mosene (@mosene_) September 15, 2020