根據Deadline報導,當地警方釋出聲明指出,78歲的布希犯下至少兩起性侵案,以及一起性侵未遂案。整起事件發生在美國當地時間上週六於紐澤西州櫻桃丘小鎮上所舉行的「怪物瘋潮」(Monster Mania,暫譯)偶像見面會期間。當地警方以兩起四級性侵、一起四級性侵未遂以及性騷擾等多項罪名起訴這位奧斯卡提名資深男星。Gary Busey was spotted sitting in a California park today with his pants down smoking a cigar after being charged with groping three woman at a convention in NJ.
— Nerdy Addict (@Nerdy_Addict) August 21, 2022
在「怪物瘋潮」舉行期間,當地警方獲報一起發生於雙樹飯店的性侵案件。偵查之後,警方隨即起訴布希。不過櫻桃丘警局則是拒絕對外提供更多有關於整起事件的細節內容。根據當地警察向費城媒體透露,他們的確是收到多起投訴布希的報案。Cherry Hill Police source says three women so far reported 78 year old actor Gary Busey touched them inappropriately during an autograph signing meet & greet. Police expect they may get even more women to come forward after the initial charges now have become public @FOX29philly
— Steve Keeley (@KeeleyFox29) August 20, 2022