- 2024
一個人的逃亡 The Great Escaper
- 2021
偷天行動 Twist
- 2020
TENET天能 Tenet
- 2020
愛麗絲與夢幻島 Come Away
- 2019
盜王之王 King of Thieves
- 2018
糯爾摩斯 Sherlock Gnomes
- 2016
出神入化2 Now You See Me 2
- 2015
獵巫行動:大滅絕 The Last Witch Hunter
- 2015
年輕氣盛 Youth
- 2014
金牌特務 Kingsman: The Secret Service
- 2014
星際效應 Interstellar
- 2013
出神入化 Now You See Me
- 2012
- 2012
黑暗騎士:黎明昇起 The Dark Knight Rises
- 2011
糯米歐與茱麗葉 Gnomeo & Juliet
- 2010
全面啟動 Inception
- 2010
全面啟動 10周年紀念版 Inception
- 2008
非常衝突 Sleuth
- 2008
黑暗騎士 The Dark Knight
- 2006
頂尖對決 The Prestige
- 2005
絕地再生 Island, The
- 2005
神仙家庭 Bewitched
- 2003
偷天換日 Italian Job, The
- 2002
Quiet American, The
- 2002
王牌大賤諜3─夠Man吧! Austin Powers in Goldmember
- 2001
Boswell for the Defence
- 2001
- 2001
Last Orders
- 2000
鵝毛筆 Quills
- 2000
大開殺戒 Get Carter
- 2000
- 2000
麻辣女王 Miss Congeniality
- 1999
謝幕 Curtain Call
- 1999
Debtors, The
- 1999
心塵往事 Cider House Rules, The
- 1998
啞巴歌手 Little Voice
- 1998
Shadow Run
- 1997
Mandela and de Klerk
- 1996
小心女人 Blood and Wine
- 1995
Bullet to Beijing
- 1995
Midnight in St. Petersburg
- 1994
- 1994
絕地戰將 On Deadly Ground
- 1993
銀翼追擊 Blue Ice
- 1993
超級賭徒 Deadfall
- 1992
布娃娃快樂聖誕 Muppet christmascarol, The
- 1992
大人!別出聲 Noises Off…
- 1990
Shock to the System, A
- 1990
- 1990
命運先生 Mr. Destiny
- 1988
Without a Clue
- 1988
騙徒糗事多 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
- 1987
愛人投降 Surrender
- 1987
驚海尋仇 Jaws 4;Jaws: The Revenge
- 1987
北極光 Fourth Protocol, The
- 1986
半月街 Half Moon Street
- 1986
愛君風流 Sweet Liberty
- 1986
蒙娜麗莎 Mona Lisa
- 1986
Whistle Blower, The
- 1986
漢娜姐妹 Hannah and Her Sisters
- 1985
水?財 Water
- 1985
死亡合約 Holcroft Covenant, The
- 1984
半熟米飯 Blame It On Rio
- 1983
凡夫俗女 Educating Rita
- 1983
Jigsaw Man, The
- 1983
乾柴烈火 Beyond the Limit
- 1982
惡魔禁地 Deathtrap
- 1981
大勝利 Victory;Escape To Victory
- 1981
大魔手 Hand, The
- 1980
剃刀邊緣 Dressed To Kill
- 1979
海神號續集 Beyond the Poseidon Adventure
- 1979
賊山地 Ashanti;Ashanti, Land of No Mercy
- 1978
加州套房 California Suite
- 1978
殺人蜂 Swarm, The
- 1977
Silver Bears
- 1977
奪橋遺恨 A Bridge Too Far
- 1976
妙盜神偷 Harry and Walter Go to New York
- 1976
猛鷹突襲兵團 Eagle Has Landed, The
- 1975
綠頭巾 Romantic Englishwoman, The
- 1975
魔鬼神探 Peeper;Fat Chance
- 1975
雙龍會 Wilby Conspiracy, The
- 1975
大戰巴墟卡 Man Who Would Be King,The
- 1974
豹子膽 Black Windmill, The
- 1974
Destructors, The
- 1972
愛情你我她 X, Y and Zee;Zee and Co.
- 1972
銀海追緝令 Pulp
- 1972
偵探 Sleuth
- 1970
烽火桃源 Last Valley, The
- 1970
敢死部隊 Too Late the Hero;Suicide Run
- 1969
不列顛之戰 Battle of Britain
- 1968
Play Dirty
- 1968
奇幻人間 Magus, The
- 1967
七段情 Woman Times Seven
- 1967
田野淚 Hurry Sundown
- 1967
冰海叛諜 Billion Dollar Brain
- 1966
神偷豔賊 Gambit
- 1966
Wrong Box, The
- 1966
Funeral in Berlin
- 1966
風流奇男子 Alfie
- 1965
伊普克雷斯檔案 Ipcress File, The
- 1963
祖魯戰爭 Zulu
- 1962
Solo for Sparrow
- 1962
Wrong Arm of the Law, The
- 1961
Foxhole in Cairo
- 1960
Bulldog Breed, The
- 1959
Danger Within
- 1958
Carve Her Name with Pride
- 1958
敵後英雄 Two-Headed Spy, The;Clock with a Face
- 1958
Woman of Mystery, A
- 1958
Blind Spot
- 1957
Steel Bayonet, The
- 1957
How to Murder a Rich Uncle
- 1956
Hill in Korea, A
- 1956
Sailor Beware!