簡單回顧,【花木蘭】一開始的爭議就是起源於本片女主角劉亦菲在微博上挺港警的一篇轉分享貼文,之後甄子丹再情義補刀於社群媒體上歡慶香港回歸中國,更是引來網友第二波的抵制抗議活動;而本以為整個爭議會在電影上映之後陸續落幕,沒料到原來電影上映前的爭議只是前菜。#DonnieYen claimeed he’s fighting for the Chineses while bootlicking the CCP
— Daliloha (@Dalilohalalala) July 5, 2020
He maybe best in his field but he’s one of those hypocrites who choose profit over his own people. And he is in #Mulan !!
Just more reasons for us to #BoycottMulan !!
【花木蘭】上映後立馬被抓包於片尾感謝向來被視為是侵犯人權的幾個中共政府單位,包括「吐魯番公共安全局」、「新疆維吾爾自治區委員會宣傳部」等。而這個做法則是讓【花木蘭】再次失焦,並且使得本片的爭議從原先“政治民族認同”向上升級到“侵犯人權”層面。#LiuYifei is a selfish #CCP shill who supports #PoliceBrutality in #HongKong#AgnesChow has given everything to #FightForFreedom and defend her people
— James Lee Proudfoot (@PhilosophyNook) August 11, 2020
So who is really loyal brave and true?
No wonder many #HongKongers are calling Agnes the real #Mulan#FreeAgnes #BoycottMulan
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