不過到底這兩人葫蘆裡賣的是什麼藥,或許粉絲可以期待將於本月登場的「DC粉絲圓頂」線上虛擬活動,屆時將會有電影相關最新消息發布。而在今日稍早,DC影業也釋出了活動新預告。You ARE playing Hawkman and that’s that. You’re also Deadpool, Green Lantern (when you want because you own the intellectual property), you’re in the Zack Snyder JL movie and you’re also @KevinHart4real’s dad. Like in real life, as per your blood test.
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) August 4, 2020
至於DC新作相關的訊息,目前已知將會有部分作品選在「DC粉絲圓頂」中宣布新消息,相關整理如下: 1.新版【自殺突擊隊】:這部由詹姆斯岡恩編導的重啟電影,將首度曝光電影畫面以及級數。The ultimate 24-hour experience for the world’s greatest fans is almost here. Mark your calendars for August 22 at #DCFanDome
— DC Universe (@TheDCUniverse) August 5, 2020